Electrical measurements on IC structures, potential contrast, detection of defects.
Options: Software operation and high or low temperature experiments.
Built-in piezo translators increase positioning accuracy to 10 nm including piezo-controlled, extremely gentle touchdown.
Optimal placement in the sample chamber of the “FEI 986 FC” FIB.
Positioning accuracy of 1μm under visual control.
Electrostatic beam blanking
Adapted to the time resolution requirements of the switching process in electron beam lithography.
Optimized for shortest rise time values. Guaranteed “100 psec rise time”, actually measured between 50 and 35 picoseconds.
40 KeV primary beam energy can still be fully sampled with 5 V pulses.
Use to position and place a needle on a specimen surface while being observed by a scanning electron microscope.
Mounted with an adapter on the ceiling of the vacuum chamber.
Three orthogonal directions of motion for the needle (xyz) as well as rotation about its own axis.
High vacuum capability, drive via vacuum guide.
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